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Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 743, Issue 1,
Pages 3-229 (30 August 1996)

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Effects of structural and kinetic parameters on the performance of chromatographic columns packed with perfusive and purely diffusive adsorbent particles, Pages 3-14
G. A. Heeter and A. I. Liapis
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (772 K)

Study of protein binding to a silica support with a polymeric cation-exchange coating, Pages 15-23
Chitra K. Ratnayake and Fred E. Regnier
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (634 K)

Lateral interaction between electrostatically adsorbed and covalently immobilized proteins on the surface of cation-exchange sorbents, Pages 25-32
Chitra K. Ratnayake and Fred E. Regnier
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (497 K)

Apparent pore size distributions of chromatography media, Pages 33-42
Lars Hagel, Magnus Östberg and Torvald Andersson
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (598 K)

Fast, reproducible size-exclusion chromatography of biological macromolecules, Pages 43-50
R. D. Ricker and L. A. Sandoval
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (482 K)

Method for obtaining unique selectivities in ion-exchange chromatography by addition of organic polymers to the mobile phase, Pages 51-55
Pete Gagnon, Bill Godfrey and Don Ladd
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (275 K)

Studies on the expansion characteristics of fluidised beds with silica-based adsorbents used in protein purification, Pages 57-73
Gerard M. S. Finette, Mao Qi-Ming and Milton T. W. Hearn
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1097 K)

Confocal microscopy as a tool for studying protein adsorption to chromatographic matrices, Pages 75-83
Anders Ljunglöf and Rolf Hjorth
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (756 K)

Peptide content determination of crude synthetic peptides by reversed-phase liquid chromatography and nitrogen-specific detection with a chemiluminescent nitrogen detector, Pages 85-89
Eugene M. Fujinari, J. Damon Manes and Roland Bizanek
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (237 K)

Automated proteolytic mapping of proteins, Pages 91-98
Tim Nadler, Christopher Blackburn, Jonathan Mark, Neal Gordon, Fred E. Regnier and George Vella
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (496 K)

High-sensitivity peptide mapping using packed-capillary liquid chromatography and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, Pages 99-104
J. Fred Banks Jr.
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (322 K)

Purification and assay methods for angiotensin-converting enzyme, Pages 105-122
Meng Qing Cheng and Suzanne Oparil
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1213 K)

Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic separation of bovine -casein macropeptide and characterization of isolated fractions, Pages 123-135
Piotr Minkiewicz, Charles J. Slangen, Fija M. Lagerwerf, Johan Haverkamp, Harry S. Rollema and Servaas Visser
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (756 K)

Separation of acetylated core histones by hydrophilic-interaction liquid chromatography, Pages 137-144
Herbert Lindner, Bettina Sarg, Christoph Meraner and Wilfried Helliger
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (482 K)

Characterisation of silica-based heparin-affinity adsorbents through column chromatography of plasma fractions containing thrombin1, Pages 145-162
Mats Björklund and Milton T. W. Hearn
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1216 K)

Rapid purification and monitoring of immunoglobulin M from ascites by perfusion ion-exchange chromatography, Pages 163-170
Eileen McCarthy, George Vella, Rohin Mhatre and Lim Yow-Pin
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (509 K)

Influence of column type and chromatographic conditions on the ion-exchange chromatography of immunoglobulins, Pages 171-180
Yang Yan-Bo and Kervin Harrison
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (587 K)

Immunochromatographic analysis of bovine growth hormone releasing factor involving reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography-immunodetection, Pages 181-194
Cho Byung-Yun, Zou Hanfa, Richard Strong, Daniel H. Fisher, John Nappier and Ira S. Krull
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (740 K)

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays in a chromatographic format, Pages 195-206
Margaret A. Johns, Laura K. Rosengarten, Martha Jackson and Fred E. Regnier
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (624 K)

In vitro metabolism of LVV-hemorphin-7 in human plasma studied by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and micro-electrospray mass spectrometry, Pages 207-212
Katarina Sanderson, Per E. Andrén, Richard M. Caprioli and Fred Nyberg
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (343 K)

Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry in studies of a substance P-converting enzyme from human cerebrospinal fluid, Pages 213-220
Ulrica Eriksson, Per E. Andrén, Richard M. Caprioli and Fred Nyberg
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (471 K)

Perfusion chromatography - characterization of column packings for chromatography of proteins, Pages 221-229
Mark McCoy, Krishna Kalghatgi, Fred E. Regnier and Noubar Afeyan
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (574 K)


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